A couple of weeks in Dubai during the Expo

Dubai, UAE
We were in Bosnia Herzegovina, wondering where we were going to fly to next, then decided that Jordan was the main goal, but to get there, we had to go to Paris, then Cyprus to keep costs down. A couple of nights in Paris, then a week or so in Paphos got us to Jordan for 3 weeks.
After Jordan, we were going to meet Kurt and Marianny in Dubai, but there's no chance I'll pay for the extortionate price of a direct flight for such a short flight, so we flew to Romania for a couple of nights.
In Dubai, both me and Kurt had to go to the Pakistan embassy for an interview to get the visa, which seemed strange as it's an e-visa, so shouldn't be required, but whatever, we got the visas and flew to Pakistan a week or so later.
Whilst in Dubai, all four of us went for some drinks, checked out some of Dubai marina and had some food.
Me and Kurt also met up with Dale Philip and Luke Damant for a curry. I've known Dale for years, but it was the first time I'd met Luke. Both of them are absolutely flying on YouTube and Facebook now. Well done to them both.
I never really wanted to visit Dubai, it's just one of those hyped places where people pretend to be rich, and where rich people show off - not my thing. Very cringe.
Dubai was exactly what I expected, but the prices were stupidly high due to the Expo, which is a completely pointless event in my opinion.
I have no intention of going back to Dubai anytime soon.