The divided capital city - Nicosia

The divided capital city - Nicosia
I've been to Cyprus before; I stayed in Paphos and did a day trip to Nicosia on public transport then walked over the border to Norther Cyprus which has been controlled by Turkey since their invasion about 50 years ago.
At the border they just check your passport like at any other border, and you have no issues crossing back to the Cypriot controlled part of Cyprus later on.
We had to stay in Cyprus to get to Jordan, which was our main destination for this part of our non-stop trip, and Tanya had never been to Cyprus before, so we booked a decent apartment for a week just outside of the old town of Paphos.
We took a day trip to Nicosia and crossed over. It's just like going to Turkey, nothing special that you 'Must see', it's pretty much just another Turkish city now. It's quite a bit cheaper than over the border in Cyprus.
That's the last time I'll be going to that part of Cyprus, or probably any part of Cyprus to be honest. It's just a British and Russian mass-holiday destination to me. These kind of places just don't interest me at all.
I'd return for a very short period of time, just to get a cheap flight to Lebanon or something.